30 days of Magic: #6 Energy

What energy do you bring to the world? What energy do you bring to most interactions? Often times we can change social interactions/world interactions by simply having positive energy. It is human nature to match others energy- so if you are angry, the other person is much more likely to also be angry and defensive. Pick one of these activities to try as you bring your energy to a more positive level.

Find the positive: With as many interactions as you can today, pay attention to your view of the other person. Find as many positives about that person as you can. Even mini positives; like they are making good eye contact or are always on time.

Body language: Keep your body language open and nonthreatening. Don’t fold your arms or roll your eyes. Stand tall with your shoulders back and make good eye contact. Pay close attention to how others respond to this type of body language and even how they start to imitate it.

Compliment: Dish out some genuine compliments. If you are thinking something nice- say something nice. Verbalizing kind words is positive for everyone involved.

My insights: This is one of my favorite elements to focus on. If I am ever feeling like the world is unkind or things are not going my way- I hyperfocus on positive things I can do. Quickly my day turns around. The world needs more positivity. It all starts with us and one small kind moment. I try to keep positivity set in my day to day mindset.

In the world: Be present in the world today as a positive force. Positive energy grows positive energy. Compliment others, be kind, and give others the benefit of the doubt. Notice how you feel, how others treat you, and what things come from a day of positivity.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Mohamed Nohassi; Unsplash