30 days of Magic: #6 Energy

What energy do you bring to the world? What energy do you bring to most interactions? Often times we can change social interactions/world interactions by simply having positive energy. It is human nature to match others energy- so if you are angry, the other person…

FOX 13’s The Place: Unwanted holiday gatherings

Click on the image to watch the segment on FOX 13’s The Place! Christmas is a time of get-togethers and holiday gatherings. But, statistics show 19 percent of us dread attending holiday events (Consumer Reports 2017) and 64 percent of us will be attending at least…

Stop pushing people away.

Sometimes we push away healthy people. Sounds like a silly thing to do, but we do it and we feel like we can’t help it. It is rooted in the big insecurity that we don’t deserve a healthy lifestyle. Well- you do and the people…

How to get the best revenge

So you have been wronged and now you are looking for some sweet sweet revenge huh? Well the best revenge is not really the revenge that we think about at 2 am. And let’s be honest- you would totally get caught and end up making…