30 days of Magic: #6 Energy

What energy do you bring to the world? What energy do you bring to most interactions? Often times we can change social interactions/world interactions by simply having positive energy. It is human nature to match others energy- so if you are angry, the other person…

FOX 13’s The Place: Willpower

Are you scared of over-indulging in Halloween candy, Thanksgiving desserts, and holiday shopping? Therapist Jessie Shepherd stopped by to offer some outside-of-the-box ways to increase willpower. “I will” not “I won`t.” Keep your mind on your positive goals instead of failing into willpower depletion. Making positive statements…

Adult Bullying.

If you thought bullying stopped once you got out of school, you would be wrong. Adult bullying is a real issue and you have probably had this happen to you whether you know or not. An adult bully is someone who tries to be intimidating,…