Revenge Style of Zodiac Signs

Whether you have complete buy in to the concepts of star signs and how it influences your personality or not- it can be fun and insightful to look up their various traits. So for the sake of contemplation and entertainment, here are the Zodiac star signs and how they influence our revenge style. *Please note that there is little to no research on this and these traits are more for you to ponder and reflect upon. 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Revenge comes swiftly and with great intensity. Once a Leo starts seeing red, it takes time for the fury to settle down. However, they become very sensitive during this time and a minimal conflict will start the fire right back to its original explosive level. 

While fighting with a Leo they will say things they don’t mean. Often they will withdrawal after due to embarrassment. Apologies are never really accepted, so the best way is to come back from a fight would be to go back to the way it was before or start making light of the conflict. 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

An extremely stubborn and vengeful sign, Virgo conflict is hard to come back from. Revenge and conflict is seen as extreme and permanent. Virgo’s do not think of the future specifically if there is an opportunity to repair the relationship. 

If you were in the wrong, make sure to admit it fully and give the Virgo control of the forgiveness process. Do not send a gift to a Virgo as an apology, this is seen as trying to buy forgiveness and is viewed as a huge flaw in character and integrity.  

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Libra’s are attracted to conflict but do not handle it well. A master of psychological warfare, the Libra will be active in avoiding contact with in and give you the silent treatment. This is less about their emotional shut down and more about making you feel isolated and rejected. 

Burned bridges can be repaired with a simple sentimental card or thoughtful artwork or poetry. Even with these accepted sentiments, it will take time before you are aware if they worked. Take the repairing process slow and simple. 

Scorpio (October 23- Nov 21)

Revenge with a Scorpio is relentless and can continue for a lifetime. They are methodical in their revenge and you will likely be unaware when it is coming. Scorpio’s are particularly distressed by rejection. 

Scorpio’s respond very positively to gifts, money or status. Apologies are rarely acknowledged, but time spent with them in an environment that will directly benefit them gets them to soften to the idea of resolution. 

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Sagittarius is future focused and hold a global understanding of the world. They rarely hold personal hurt feelings for long and will often reorient to the future of the relationship. If you are harming others or the future in anyway, they may let go of the relationship. But do not hold ill will when it ends. 

The most forgiving star sign, Sagitarrius is more worried about how you will grow together and reduce the conflict in the future. Appeal to their glocal view of the world by outlining both sides of the argument. 

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

Capricorn’s are prideful and stubborn so they will not forgive easily. Characteristically they are verbal fighters and are prone to gossip. If they are scorned enough, they can even develop a hate campaign to destroy your reputation. 

Forgiveness usually comes with gifts and/or bribes. Forgiveness can be given but usually is accompanied with conditions. 

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Aquarius is not a very rational sign and rarely sees both sides of an argument. Once they decision that you have bad energy, it is very hard to shake their view. Aquarius holds themselves to high standards, so they struggle when others do not do the same.

Gifts do not work when trying to gain forgiveness from an Aquarius. A good solid rational argument also does not work. Emotional reasons are more relatable to an Aquarius. The concept that you are working on yourself and would like their help is the better way to start down the forgiveness path.  

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20)

The star sign that can keep the ultimate grudge is the Pisces. They are very proud and do not move from their strong opinions easily. Pisces follow their intuition, so if they have a bad feeling about you, even if it is not marinated, they will be wary of you. 

Even if a Pisces accepts your apology they will keep your indescrestion on file. A gift, money, or favor is helpful to break the ice but will not get them to forgive you any easier. Keep your actions pure and kind to win them back over. 

Aries (March 21- April 19) 

With the ‘what you see is what you get’ vibe of Aries comes a quick temper. Revenge in rarely strategic or complicated. But is does come swiftly and with a force that leaves little standing. They are in danger of destroying relationships due to this ‘hold nothing back’ fight style. 

Try to stop interacting with them when things get heating because oftentimes things will be said that they and you will not come back from. Once calm forgiveness comes easily if everyone is sincere. 

Taurus (April 20-May20)

Taurus folks will appear as if they are not bothered at all but will really be seething on the inside. Revenge will come quickly as they have a hard time keeping emotions in for too long, but is unpredictable because rarely get signals ahead of time. This sign can be confusing because they also enjoy a good debate, so it is hard to tell if they are truly upset. 

The best way to subdue a Taurus is to be sentimental, loyal and honest. Even in the heat of an argument, these will bring the fury of emotions down. 

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

The most extremely unpredictable star sign however is the Gemini. Their reactions to environmental factors vary wildly and depend heavily on how they feel at that moment and their view of the other person. They may even construct an airtight revenge plan that they abandon on a whim with no remaining hard feelings. 

Changing the ‘vibe’ of the fight is a great way to calm a Gemini. Random kind words, gifts, or environmental changes are welcomed and embraced. With the change of energy they will forgive easily and repair quickly. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

When you cross a Cancer prepare yourself for a severe grudge. Revenge is meticulous and extremely well thought out. They are skilled at slowly breaking down elements around the person who offended them to inflict the most vengeance. 

It takes a lot to get on the wrong side of a Cancer, but once you are there, it is going to be a long road back into their good graces. A well thought out gift and elaborate apology are welcomed but only the start of your journey back. Keep it up and you will get back to a good space (but it could take months).  

My Challenge to you: Looking at your sign and others- do any of these apply? What skills do you think would be helpful to master in order to make conflicts the most productive? 

Happy star gazing friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Anastasia Dulgier; Unsplash