30 days of Magic: #7 Movement

Generally when we think of being mindful we conger up images of a man or women sitting cross legged on a pillow with their eyes closed. Whereas this is a good way to be mindful, we can also be mindful when we are moving and interacting with our environment. Being mindful is trying to stay in the moment and experience that second for exactly what it is. During mindful movement we will be noticing our entire body, including using all five senses.

How to have mindful movement: Choose an activity that you feel you can be mindful of your body as you do it. No surprise to anyone- I enjoy hiking, running or walking in nature when I am practicing mindful movement. But you can be working around your house, walking from your car into a store, working out at the gym, or any other activity that your body is moving. As you move pay close attention to how each end of your body feels (from your scalp to your toes). How is your posture? Do you smell or hear anything? Are you cold or hot? If you keep being interrupted by thoughts, just let them pass through and get back to body awareness. The more you practice mindful movement, the easier it will become.

My insights: I tend to be action/task oriented, so it is very important that I take the time to be mindful. If I don’t take these times to be mindful, my anxiety builds and builds into an overwhelming state. I enjoy ‘micro-mindfulness’ moments in my day to day busy schedule (just a few breaths with five senses mindfulness) and then take 2-3 times a week to take a walk/hike/run in nature for a truly mindful experience.  

In the world: What does your body need? What makes you a more productive positive person in the world? If you are overwhelmed it is very difficult for you to make positive change. Focus in on what you need as a balanced person so that you can do the most good for the world.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Alora Griffiths; Unsplash