7 ways to start your summer off mentally healthy.

Summer is coming and it can be a time for great positive change. Often times it gives us a moment to breathe before we get back into the tangles of busy life. So to get the most out of this time of sun, sand and fun- try these 7 items for the new, more positive you.

  • Forgive someone/stop holding a grudge.

Being angry or holding a grudge does more damage to you than to them. The more you stew, the less likely you are to see the positives around you and take opportunities when they come up. Although it may be nice to have a discussion with this other person, it is not necessary for you to move on. Check out the past article on holding grudges for more ideas on letting go: https://www.jessiethetherapist.com/stop-holding-grudges/

  • Focus on the positive.

Because you can’t control the negative. There is a place for preparing and creating protocols for worse case scenarios, but don’t spend too much time ruminating on it. To move away from over thinking potential problems, create a ‘skeleton protocol’ that can be loosely applied to many situations. Then you can move on to enjoying life and focusing on the good all around you.

  • Learn something new.

Read a new book, find a science show, take a cooking class- it doesn’t really matter what you are learning. Just make sure that it is interesting to you and it gives you options to keep learning more (more recipes, more research, etc). Every time you learn something new it creates positive self worth and a sense of mastery or skill.

  • Work on a relationship.

Focus on a relationship that is romantic, a friendship, a co-worker, or a common acquaintance; and decide what you would like it to look like. Instead of thinking of how we wish they would act toward us- think about how you can act in order to make it more positive. Maybe a simple smile can make a big difference, or taking the time to ask about their day, or giving them the benefit of the doubt (instead of thinking the worst). Try your game plan for a few days and reassess.   

  • Schedule nice things for yourself.

Self care tends to be put on the backburner when our life gets busy. Summer is the perfect time to reclaim a self care routine. You may not be able to set up a consistent weekly activity, but try to find small moments. Even micro-moments of a kind word to yourself or a deep refocusing breath can be incredibly helpful. Here is some mini ideas for self care: https://www.jessiethetherapist.com/simple-self-care-busy-life/

  • Random act of kindness.

Doing something nice for another person always makes us feel better. The key is doing the action without expectation. Try pinpointing someone and an activity that would be hard to trace back to you on a personal level. An example of this would be randoming giving a stranger flowers, giving a extra good tip, or writing anonymous feedback about how well you feel someone was at service/book they wrote/their artwork/etc. If you are in a funk and want more tips about getting out of it, check out this post: https://www.jessiethetherapist.com/feeling-like-funk-try-10-things/

  • Mindful of the moment.

Our world is busy and we can feel like we need to keep up with all the hustle and bustle. Instead I want you to take a few seconds and become hyper aware of your environment. Is there any music playing? How do your clothes feel on your body? Is your stomach upset? Do you smell anything delightful or gross? Our brains are programed to be one (or several ) steps ahead of ourselves, so simply pausing for a few seconds can create the mood change we need.

My Challenge to you: Try some of these things out. Pay attention to what ones work and those that did not. Try to implement these into your day to day living. Pay close attention to how your mood shifts and if you see positive changes start to happen in your life.

Happy summer mindset friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

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