30 days of Magic: #21 Unstuck

No matter who you are and how successful you are- there is a place in your life that you feel a little stuck. Sit back and think about a area (even very small) that you feel needs a little growth and development. Then try a few of these exercises to see if you can get unstuck.

  • Is your efforts in the right places? Are you trying to force something that can’t be forced? If you are putting a lot of effort into something and it is not budging- take a day or two and step back. You will probably find a better solution when you can see the whole picture.
  • Challenge yourself in a fear. Scared to speak in public- raise your hand at the next meeting. Scared to ride a bike that you haven’t ridden in 6 years- girl, get your helmet on. Facing a fear develops skill and also gives us a confidence boost. It also rattles out spider webs in other areas too.
  • Analyze a mistake from the past. Note why it was okay it didn’t work out, what you learned from it, and if you were misguided in anyway. Mistakes are just learning experiences, but often we forget to learn from them- and just simply avoid it.

My insights: These 3 practices are some of my favorites. Usually I fall into the first one were I am trying to force something to work. I will put a ton of effort in and then be excruciatingly frustrated when it did not work out. So being able to step back and ask myself if I putting the correct effort in, in the correct areas is vital. You can’t push down a mountain by kicking dirt at the base.

In the world: Help a buddy when they are stuck. Oftentimes talking with a friend can give you the insights you need to get unstuck.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Angel Rodarte; Unsplash