30 days of Magic: #12 Thankful

We are often very expressive about the exciting things in our life and how thankful we are to have them. But what about the aspects that we use everyday that we totally forget to be grateful for. Today will be centered on being thankful for…

30 days of Magic: #11 Calm & Purposeful

At times our ‘to do’ lists can feel like a panicked parade creating the feeling of being overwhelmed. Once that overwhelmed feeling takes over- nothing gets done. This song and dance can be very distressing. You find yourself in an avalanche of things you need…

30 days of Magic: #8 Meditation

Meditation can be difficult for some people. They feel that they have to sit in silence and try not to think thoughts. The problem is (if you are anything like me) when you try not to think- that is when the thoughts really start to…

30 days of Magic: #7 Movement

Generally when we think of being mindful we conger up images of a man or women sitting cross legged on a pillow with their eyes closed. Whereas this is a good way to be mindful, we can also be mindful when we are moving and…