30 days of Magic: #11 Calm & Purposeful

At times our ‘to do’ lists can feel like a panicked parade creating the feeling of being overwhelmed. Once that overwhelmed feeling takes over- nothing gets done. This song and dance can be very distressing. You find yourself in an avalanche of things you need to do, but can’t seem to get yourself to do it. Today we are going to try and be calm and purposeful. Basically you are going to attempt to be in a mental state that gets things done. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed- STOP. Use a coping skill and once you feel level headed again, get back to work. Here are a few calming coping skills to try.

Breathing: Possible the easiest one to try because you are already breathing. Take a big deep breath and in your head say ‘calm & purposeful’ (or another mantra that speaks to you today). On the exhale, ground yourself into your environment. You got this.

Massage: Take a moment to massage your hands or feet. Try to feel every movement and you mush the muscles around. Use a pleasant smelling lotion or essential oil to bring more senses into your calming state. Tell yourself ‘you got this’ and get back to work.

Posture: Analyze your posture right now. Correct your posture by standing up straight and throwing those shoulders back. If you need added calming- put your hands behind your head for a moment and take a deep breath. Or- put your hands on your hips, draw your chest up, and get that superhero pose for a moment.

My insights: I use all these on a regular basis. But the posture one is by far my favorite. If I let my posture go- it is terrible. It is very easy to see how I am feeling by looking at my posture. So by straightening myself, I also straighten out my mental state.

In the world: Be a cheerleader for someone who looks like they need it today. Often times a few kind words can get someone back in the right mindset to take on the world.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Joshua Lee; Unsplash