30 days of Magic: #8 Meditation

Meditation can be difficult for some people. They feel that they have to sit in silence and try not to think thoughts. The problem is (if you are anything like me) when you try not to think- that is when the thoughts really start to flood in. So today I would like you to try guided meditation. This can take a few moments to half an hour. Imagine yourself on a magic carpet high above your city. Or that you are mountain watching all the little people run around with their busy schedules. Or that a small happy rain cloud in above your head and with every raindrop hitting your body, a little stress drips down and away from your body.

Note your observations and if you would like to try this on a regular bases. Also think of ways you could add it into your regular life schedule- like attending a yoga class, having a moment of quiet at night, or praying.

My insights: I have a difficult time silently meditating so guided meditation has been much more productive for me. I enjoy the mountain meditation when I feel like I am entrenched in tasks and obligations. I also like the raindrop meditation when I feel generally overwhelmed. There is literally a million different guided meditations out there- so explore and find which ones work best for you.

In the world: Find a friend or family member that you can do a guided meditation with. Having these meditation moments together facilities bonding and can help both of you develop calming coping skills. Children in particular are usually enthusiastic about guided meditation and can help you learn to use your imagination more readily.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Paul Gilmore; Unsplash