Birds and Bees Podcast: Snowplow Parenting

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This episode is aimed to help parents identify unhelpful parenting techniques that sometimes seem to be helpful at the moment. Maybe you only use one of these techniques. Maybe you fit the mold of being a snowplow parent. Either way, that is great you see what actions you’re doing. We provide ways to fine-tune your parenting to avoid these pitfalls of being a snowplow parent and help your children excel and succeed. It’s not easy to be a parent, you’re doing your best and we’re rooting for your success and the success of your kids!

Jessie identifies the traits of a snowplow parent and the ways to change those parenting pitfalls in this episode. Braxton gets curious about how many parenting names there are and finds dolphin parenting, jellyfish parenting, and creates his own to join the masses … Lockdown Parenting. Lots of laughs and learning in this week’s episode.