30 days of Magic: #9 Daily Routine

If you are like me, you thrive in routines. If you are like the rest of the population that consists of non-weirdos, then routines can be tough to keep with. Even if we are trying to start a more efficient routine- we typically have some sort of rough routine that we follow each day. It may be that you are always running late- so your routine is running around frustrated and panicked. So today we are going to analyze our daily routine and how we can make it a little less stressful and more effective.

Step 1: If your current routine effective?

Step 2: Where are your time wasters in your routine? (Social media, finding clean clothes, searching for lost shoes, haphazardly putting lunches together)

Step 3: How do we reduce the time waster? (keep your phone away from the bed, hang up your clothes the night before, put shoes by the door, make lunches the night before) *Only correct one time-waster at a time. We don’t want it to be overwhelming.

Step 4: Make a plan to set that into place tomorrow.  

Step 5: Relish in your awesome time-waster reduction. But don’t be to harsh on yourself if it takes a few days to get going.

Step 6: Be okay when it does not go to plan.

My insights: I very much love routines and problem solving. So these are steps I do regularly. My challenge on this day is to really take Step 6 in. I struggle when a set routine goes slightly out of whack. If there is an emergency (or a complete dismantle of the routine)- I am fine with it. I can roll with that. But if the shoes are not where the shoes need to be on a regular day within a regular routine, I get a little frustrated. So I am going to roll with the punches and be okay that the world does not consist of robots.

In the world: The world runs on its own routine. Identify what routines you have with the outside world (traffic, class schedules, etc) and how to better roll with this element you can’t control.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Erol Ahmed; Unsplash