Finding Happiness with Zodiac Signs

Happiness can seem elusive at times. As you go on this adventure- it’s fun to look at your star sign to spark ideas.  *Please note that there is little research on this specifically and these traits are more for you to ponder and reflect upon.  

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

As a very popular people, Leos have a lot of options to recharge with social interactions. However, they have to be picky or the social interaction will only drain them. Set up the activity with people you feel reciprocate your level of commitment and it will keep life on a content path. 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

The perfectionists of the group, virgos are always looking to improve themselves and the world around them. A new hobby, maybe one with a physical element like hiking or rock climbing, is the best to keep the ever going virgo mind occupied into a state of calm. Make sure not to over exert yourself or look to be perfect at it on the first try. 

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

A creative and artistic life is what enriches a libras world. With their eye for beauty, they can make any space calm and happy. Note any area in your home or work life that needs some beautification. Take time to make it personalized to you to create a content life to live in.  

Scorpio (October 23- Nov 21)

A secretive and coy sign, scorpio actually feels happier once they have an opportunity to open up and share emotions. Given that they don’t give themselves this option very often, it is important to make the time and create that space. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you will find that the benefits outweigh the risks. 

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

This uplifting and optimistic sign has a hard time maintaining happiness if they feel restrained or trapped. Responsibilities and obligations can become overwhelming if balanced relief isn’t struck. Finding a chunk of time at least every other week that you are free to do whatever your heart wants to will make all the difference in creating a content life. 

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

The most exciting and enriching element in a capricorn’s life is a BIG project. Something that really gets them moving and engaged in the process to an awesome goal. Although work related goals are helpful, a personal endeavor really gets the excitable energy to fire up and create a life worth living.  

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Although having space to be alone with their thoughts helps Aquarisus’s feel happy, they also need to feel helpful. The light of their life is helping others feel happy too. Finding purpose that makes the world a better place jolts the aquarius into bliss. 

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20)

Much like most star signs, pisces need a safe environment to be happy. But for them warmth and support is imperative. A healthy friend and family network brings them the most joy and a Pisces will return others support with never ending gratitude.  

Aries (March 21- April 19) 

If you’re looking for happiness, as an Aries, you are also looking for a challenge. Having a new task that is demanding on your skill level is key to elevating self esteem and increasing life satisfaction. Try a new exciting hobby. 

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For the taurus, happiness is found in safety and security. Although they typically use material goods to create this feeling, true life joy comes from a relaxing evening at home with their favorite people. Make sure to keep these on the schedule and a priority.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Happiness and purpose comes from being around people. New experiences of discovery with the world around them and places afar creates the most joy. A vacation in a different culture is the perfect ticket to life delight. 

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Quite possibly the simplest sign to find happiness, cancer signs just want to be near the people they love. Quality time in a cozy warm environment, without a strict time limit, is the best way to find contentment. Communicate this need with others so they know how important it is to you. 

My Challenge to you: Cultivate a little happiness this week that is specific to you. 

Happy stars friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by James Lee on Unsplash