30 days of Magic: #13 Dirt

When was the last time you got dirty? Like really dirty. Like so dirty you had to spray off with the hose before you went in the house dirty. Today is the day I want you to get dirty dirty. As adults we tend to…

30 days of Magic: #12 Thankful

We are often very expressive about the exciting things in our life and how thankful we are to have them. But what about the aspects that we use everyday that we totally forget to be grateful for. Today will be centered on being thankful for…

30 days of Magic: #10 Plants

Various studies have shown that simply having a plant in your space not only reduces stress hormones, but also increases concentration/productivity. Which is pretty cool- because plants are very low maintenance. So today’s task is to hang out with some plants. Here are some suggestions:…

30 days of Magic: #8 Meditation

Meditation can be difficult for some people. They feel that they have to sit in silence and try not to think thoughts. The problem is (if you are anything like me) when you try not to think- that is when the thoughts really start to…

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