30 days of Magic: #13 Dirt

When was the last time you got dirty? Like really dirty. Like so dirty you had to spray off with the hose before you went in the house dirty.

Today is the day I want you to get dirty dirty. As adults we tend to avoid getting in the dirt unless there is a purpose for it- planting a garden, planting a tree, putting up a fence, etc. But usually not just to play in it. If you can’t stand the idea of getting head to toe caked in dirt, try just playing in it and getting your hands dirty. Here are some ideas:

Find your kid: Kids are a good way to facilitate play. They are always down to play in the dirt and they can come up with something fun to do when you can’t think of anything. When playing with a kid- go with the flow.

Spa it up: Go get a mud bath or mud mask. You won’t be playing, more relaxing. But at least you are covered in mud.

Slip n slide: Get out the old slip n slide and start sliding. Typically you will start to get dirty as the activity continues. You get to be outside, play in a silly way, and it will make you laugh.

My insights: I seem to have to be in the right mindset to get muddy and dirty. (As you know) I enjoy order and purpose- so ‘just playing in the mud’ can seem unorganized to me until I really get into it. I get into this mindset easier when playing with kids because they love it so much. I try to see the world the way they see it. And it is fascinating! I highly recommend playing in the dirt as least once a week.

In the world: Take some of your buddies out into the dirt! Go camping, hiking- whatever you can do to get your shoes dirty.

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Vidar Nordli Mathisen; Unsplash