30 days of Magic: #19 Sacred Space

As a parent there are very little places in my home that are just mine. Even places like my closet and random storage areas are visited by kids/husband and disturbed. When I discuss a ‘sacred space’ with patients, they often laugh and state that there…

30 days of Magic: #18 Elements

What element are you? If you go by birth signs- there is earth, fire, air, and water. I want you to think about these elements and how they relate to you and your personality. Earth sign: Grounded, stable and loyal- earth signs are practical builders…

30 days of Magic: #17 Hygge

It seems that the Danish have most things figured out- including comfortable and cozy environments. Or as they say ‘hygge’ which is creating a sense of content and well-being. Here are a few suggestions to make your home and life more hyggly. Candles: Light is…

30 days of Magic: #16 Mother Earth

Today we look at how we can better protect our planet. We are all part of the problem and the solution. Every little bit helps, so take some time today to help our Mother Earth. Here are a few ideas to get you started: (but…