30 days of Magic: #15 Food

We are halfway through our 30 days of Magic! My hope is that you are feeling a little more confident and a little happier. As you know mental health is a lifestyle that we have to adopt day in and day out. The first half of our project here gave you a few ideas- now buckle up for 15 more!

Our food can change how we feel. So what do you feed yourself? Here are a few suggestions for foods to add to your diet that have real research behind them. They really make you feel happier. And in turn your also healthier because they are also real foods. Try to get one of these in your tummy today.

Dark Chocolate: Not only does dark chocolate have a high antioxidant level it has also been researched to also create a calm and connected mood. Other research shows that it stimulates the production of endorphins

Kale: I know, I know-kale. But it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and magnesium- which our body craves. Kale can replenish these vitamins in our body, so the body is no longer lacking and is up to full strength.

Berries: Berries reduce inflammation and contain a chemical similar to valproic acid (a mood stabilizer).

*Eat real food. In general real foods have so many more vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Food can not replace your medications (at least not without discussing it with your doctor) but can be the start to a healthy happier body.

My insights: I am not perfect in my diet as far as eating a variety of real whole foods. But I find that the better my diet is, the better I feel in general. Specifically with feeling grounded, connected, and having energy.

In the world: Go support your farmers markets or local stores. The fresher you can get your food the better- there is less break down of vitamins and minerals the quicker you can get them into your body. Plus, we want these local produce producers to stick around so that we can continue to have fresh foods.  

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: William Felker; Unsplash