Sex Life Makeover: Part 4: Satisfaction

Part 4: Satisfaction For the last section of our Makeover, we will be discussing satisfaction and why it is the most important piece of your sex life. When we talk about satisfaction we are not talking about orgasm. While orgasm can be apart of satisfaction,…

Sex Life Makeover: Part 3: Eroticism

Part 3: Eroticism And now for the section that tends to be the most controversial; eroticism. When we define eroticism in a relationship we are talking about sexual charge and energy. Eroticism is not detached from an emotional relationship, but rather complements and heightens vigor…

Sex Life Makeover: Introduction

The love season is upon us and with roughly 63% of the population is not satisfied with their sex life, it is time for a makeover. Based on the scaffolding in Foley, Kope, and Sugrue’s 2012 book “Sex Matters for Women” , we will be reviewing the…