30 days of Magic: #10 Plants

Various studies have shown that simply having a plant in your space not only reduces stress hormones, but also increases concentration/productivity. Which is pretty cool- because plants are very low maintenance. So today’s task is to hang out with some plants. Here are some suggestions:…

30 days of Magic: #9 Daily Routine

If you are like me, you thrive in routines. If you are like the rest of the population that consists of non-weirdos, then routines can be tough to keep with. Even if we are trying to start a more efficient routine- we typically have some…

Social Rumination

Have you ever repetitively rerun a conversation you have had over and over until you feel like your brain is going to explode? This is a form of rumination and it can be completely overwhelming. For example, the holidays are full of social interactions with…

Appreciating the worst moments.

“If I was there Mom, I would have given you a big hug and then we would make cookies.” The conversation my 7 year old and I were having was not full of much emotion. I feel like I have processed a great deal of…