30 days of Magic: #21 Unstuck

No matter who you are and how successful you are- there is a place in your life that you feel a little stuck. Sit back and think about a area (even very small) that you feel needs a little growth and development. Then try a…

30 days of Magic: #4 Meaning

Naturally we think that ‘finding meaning’ would be a good next step in this self exploration. However, instead of looking into your own meaning by directly seeking it out, I want you to look at the people and items around you to determine the meaning…

30 days of Magic: #2 Grounding

Connection with our environment and our bodies is imperative to growth. A tree needs strong roots if it is to grow to touch the sky. Some Grounding exercises to try: 5 senses eating: Use your five senses to mindfully eat your next snack. Pay close…

30 days of Magic: Introduction

This time of year reminds me of all the magic we have around us. The once frozen ground starts to sprout into little buds of green that push their leaves to the sky with an array of rainbow flowers. It serves as a reminder that…