Feeling like you are in a funk? Try these 10 things

I’m not sure what is happening- whether it is the holidays, cold weather, extra pie or business endeavors- but I feel out of whack. I am in a total funk with no rhythm or organization. If you are feeling this way too, lets’ get out…

How ‘Gas lighting’ is destroying you

‘Gas lighting’ is a manipulation tactic in which someone interacts with you in such a way that you start to question your perception of events, accuracy of memories, and even your sanity. And worse yet- you’re probably experiencing a degree of this right now. Here…

FOX 13’s The Place: Habits of Successful People

Click the image for the FOX 13’s The Place segment. Things Highly Successful People do differently Self Care: -Sleep routine -Healthy meals -Take mental health days -Do you activities/hobbies -Family time Keep a Morning Routine: -Gear up for the Day -Focus in on goals Say…

Embrace your period to make it suck less.

If you know a vagina or have one, you are probably aware that getting your menstrual cycle can change emotions and behaviors. So instead of shying away from the subject or making jokes about it- let’s really talk about making this monthly routine better. Here…