FOX 13’s The Place: Ghosts

28% of college students say they have had a paranormal experience. 3 out of 4 people harbor a ‘paranormal belief’ – The brain tries to make sense and create patterns of information that is muddled. – Own brain is specifically seeking out faces. Mars face…

FOX 13’s The Place: Willpower

Are you scared of over-indulging in Halloween candy, Thanksgiving desserts, and holiday shopping? Therapist Jessie Shepherd stopped by to offer some outside-of-the-box ways to increase willpower. “I will” not “I won`t.” Keep your mind on your positive goals instead of failing into willpower depletion. Making positive statements…

FOX 13’s The Place: Making your own luck.

Check out the segment on FOX 13’s The Place: Making your own luck. Jessie Shepherd, a mental health counselor with Blue Clover Therapy shares her tips for creating your own luck. Click Here for more information or to contact Jessie. Creating your own luck 1. Believe you are…

FOX 13’s The Place: Romance versus Love

Therapist Jessie Shepherd told us how to take out the romance in Valentine`s Day, but keep the love. It all comes down to getting a release of oxytocin, instead of blocking it. You will get different results depending on your specific behaviors. Watch the segment and take…