Are you a dirty birdy? 10 routines to help.

Back in my 20’s I could go to sleep with dirty dishes in my sink- now there is no way that is happening. Why you ask? Routines- so many routines. I remember thinking that people who cleaned their house before bed were crazy but now I’m that crazy person. The key here is starting small and building habits. So if you want to clean up your act but your not sure where to start- here is a few suggestions.

  1. Make your beds.

Every morning take the 2 minutes it takes to make your bed. By doing this simple act bright and early, you start off your day feeling clean and that you have already accomplished a task.

  1. Do laundry every day.

And put the clothing away. (The second part is always the hardest for me). But multiple studies have shown that homes that are generally clean are in a constant state of doing laundry. Make it easier on yourself and also have an easy way to organize the clothing in your closet. The quicker and smoother the process is, the more likely you are to do it.

  1. Places for bills/random papers/letters/magazines.

Cluttered paper can get out of control fast- so have a place to put each type. When it comes to mail, go through it every day and throw away not needed items right then. It is a simply way to reduce clutter little bits at a time. This reduces the times you will need to do a big clean of that giant stack of papers you’ve been ignoring.

  1. Have places for daily items.

Coats, umbrellas, backpacks, shoes- all these items need a constant place to live. It doesn’t needed to be an elaborate menagerie of hooks and shelves- a hide-away bin works just as well and still keeps the clutter out of sight.

  1. Fun cleaning supplies.

Make cleaning fun by getting nice supplies that work well. Sometimes it is easier to get yourself to clean a room if you have a new scent or candle to tie the room together. Some of my favorites that make cleaning easier are Magic erasers and a Swiffer mop. Get the kids involved by giving them a Clorox wipe and having them clean surfaces.

  1. Donate/throw away unused items.

A good rule is if you haven’t used the item in a year- you need to get rid of it. This included pants you’re hoping to fit into again when you lose those pesky 5 pounds or those super cute shoes you never wear because they hurt your feet.

  1. Clean your fridge every week.

An easy way to make this a reasonable routine is picking one shelf in your fridge a week and cleaning it. That way you don’t have to go through the whole thing at one time. When your cleaning your chosen shelf; make sure to take all the items out, wipe down the shelf with a general cleaner, throw out expired items, and note on your grocery list if you are running low on something

  1. Clean as you cook.

If you keep your dishwasher unloaded, it is easy to quickly rinse and put small items in there as you cook. The bigger items will need to wait until after dinner and make sure that you are not cross contaminating food items (raw meat with cooked meat, etc).

  1. Wipe down surfaces.

If you clean a little bit at a time, it makes the big clean days easier. Keep a package of Clorox wipes under your sinks to do a quick wipe down after putting on makeup, brushing your teeth, cooking, etc. Keeping counters clean and free of clutter give the general feeling of clean.  

  1. Clean up before you go to bed.

Putting away items before you go to bed helps clear your mind to prepare for sleep. The best part of a quick clean before you go to bed is that you will wake up to a tidy, comfortable home.

My Challenge to you: Pick one of these tasks and start adding it to your daily routine. Remember that it will take about 2 weeks before it starts to become habit and you may need to remind yourself from time to time.

Happy cleaning friends!

– Jessie the Therapist


Photo by:Arnel Hasanovic