GYT Show: S02 E10: ‘The talk’

On this weeks episode of Get Yourself Together:  So, your kids are hitting that time in their life where you need to give them “The Talk.” What do you do? Well hopefully you’ve discussed it plenty before. We have social worker and host of the…

Are your children killing your sex life?

Sometimes it is hard to think back to when sex could happen any time the mood hit you. Specifically it can be difficult with a spilled box of cereal on the floor, an old milk sippy cup we still can’t find (!), and all the…

Let’s talk about sex.

Unbelievable as it may seem, I try my best to not analyze people in my day to day life. Sometimes people won’t talk to me at social events because they are fearful that I will ‘figure them out’. Or it is completely the opposite and…