GYT Show: S02 E08: Self-Defeating Behaviors

We all have behaviors that are not useful to our goals, but some are down right self defeating. Check out this weeks GYT Show to find out what they are and what to do about them. Thank you for listening!!! Photo by:Milada Vigerova

Simple self care for a very busy life.

The most common statement I hear when I bring up self care is, “When would I ever find time to do that?!?” There is this terrible myth about self care that it has to be a full day of silence at the spa with people…

Why you need to be a failure

We throw the word ‘perfectionist’ around a lot without any thought of the real mental pains it carries with it. Being a perfectionist is more than needing to get 100% on a paper or staying extremely organized. There is major anxiety fueling our actions with…

8 foolproof ways to not raise an a**hole

We have all met that one kid that we think to ourselves, “Wow, that kid is going to grow up to be an a**hole.” And personally I don’t want that to be my kid. So based on the characteristics of an entitled self absorbed adult…