6 characteristics a spouse needs to survive EMS life.

Being a firefighter’s spouse is not like the calendars. Sorry to disappoint. But over the years I have learned some incredible things from my follow EMS spouses that has helped me survive this crazy unique life. So if you are new to this, welcome to…

4 reasons you let people treat you like crap.

Why do we let people treat us horribly? It seems silly that we would find ourselves in a situation that makes us feel like crap over and over- and that we let ourselves be hurt so many times. But it absolutely happens. So before you…

GYT Show: S02 E06: Effects of heartbreak on the body.

Yeah, getting your heart broken sucks. You’re mopey and depressed and nobody likes to go through it. But did you know that heartbreak takes a physical toll on your body? We’ll break it down. Plus: How to herd your emotional cats and an overly-involved nanny….