8 foolproof ways to not raise an a**hole

We have all met that one kid that we think to ourselves, “Wow, that kid is going to grow up to be an a**hole.” And personally I don’t want that to be my kid. So based on the characteristics of an entitled self absorbed adult…

Unplug your kids

As parents there are about a million rules we ‘should’ be following- ‘Your kids use too much technology’, BUT ‘Your kids need to know technology because of how the world is evolving’. Where is the happy middle ground you ask? Here is some tips to…

Parenting a Socially Awkward Kid.

If it’s not your kid- you probably know one. The kid who can’t seem to get the words out, or tries to high five and hits the kid instead, or gets so anxious that they leave the situation mid-activity to sit alone- The Socially Awkward…