30 days of Magic: #4 Meaning

Naturally we think that ‘finding meaning’ would be a good next step in this self exploration. However, instead of looking into your own meaning by directly seeking it out, I want you to look at the people and items around you to determine the meaning…

30 days of Magic: #3 Shielding

No matter who we are and how well we create a life of happiness and kindness, we are going to experience upsetting or negative elements. So to increase our resiliency and shielding, we are going to build our energy. — Keep in mind that this…

30 days of Magic: #2 Grounding

Connection with our environment and our bodies is imperative to growth. A tree needs strong roots if it is to grow to touch the sky. Some Grounding exercises to try: 5 senses eating: Use your five senses to mindfully eat your next snack. Pay close…

30 days of Magic: #1 Focus

These 30 days are all about growth and self actualization. But amongst all this positive magic; we need take the time to take a moment each day to check in with ourselves. Our focus must turn inward to see how we really feel about the…