Take a Hike!

The weather is getting colder and we are starting to get snow! I love this time of year but for many it can signal the beginning of Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have several family members who deal with this disorder each year so I’m always on the lookout for research…

Let’s talk about sex.

Unbelievable as it may seem, I try my best to not analyze people in my day to day life. Sometimes people won’t talk to me at social events because they are fearful that I will ‘figure them out’. Or it is completely the opposite and I hear about every uncomfortable…

Being Called Ugly.

I learned very early in my career to not read the comments that people write on my articles & segments. People over the internet tend to take their filters off. Instead of me personally reading each comment and over-analyzing what people meant, my editor reads them and lets me know…