Gift gluttony brain

I LOVE Christmas- to a crazy elf degree. My electricity bill shows it. But I hate the gluttonous part of it. Watch most holiday specials and they usually only get one well thought out gift, not 30 little gifts that will be set aside or thrown out in the next…

KSL: Tips to stop your kids nightmares

If you have ever been awakened by your terrified child because of a nightmare, you know how helpless the situation can make you can feel. Although we cannot control what our kids are dreaming about, we can help them build skills to cope with their nightmares. Here are a few…

Why you need to be a failure

We throw the word ‘perfectionist’ around a lot without any thought of the real mental pains it carries with it. Being a perfectionist is more than needing to get 100% on a paper or staying extremely organized. There is major anxiety fueling our actions with the desperate need to not…

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