30 days of Magic: #28 Caregiving

We are all caregivers in some form. Today I want you to pay close attention to who and what you are caretaking. Notice if it is satisfying for you or it is time to let someone else help in taking care of things. What are…

30 days of Magic: #26 Warmth

Some amazing research is coming out of the University of Colorado Boulder. They are finding that pleasant warmth ( not uncomfortably hot) has an antidepressant effect on the body. It is not completely understood at this point. But it appears that when the skin is…

30 days of Magic: #20 Ethics

Ethics are moral principles that guide our actions and bracket behaviors into right versus wrong. Everyone’s ethics are a little different. It is important that you take the time to identify what ethics you have and what areas you still need to develop. This exercise…

Sex Life Makeover: Part 4: Satisfaction

Part 4: Satisfaction For the last section of our Makeover, we will be discussing satisfaction and why it is the most important piece of your sex life. When we talk about satisfaction we are not talking about orgasm. While orgasm can be apart of satisfaction,…