Feeling like you are in a funk? Try these 10 things

I’m not sure what is happening- whether it is the holidays, cold weather, extra pie or business endeavors- but I feel out of whack. I am in a total funk with no rhythm or organization. If you are feeling this way too, lets’ get out…

Why you need to be a failure

We throw the word ‘perfectionist’ around a lot without any thought of the real mental pains it carries with it. Being a perfectionist is more than needing to get 100% on a paper or staying extremely organized. There is major anxiety fueling our actions with…


I have nightmares. Not all the time and not always intense, but sometimes they seem unbearable. Most of my PTSD symptoms I have processed using EMDR and have coping skills that are very effective for me. However, nightmares are one of those things that come…