Want something done? Ask the busiest person you know.


I am so impressed by my kids’ (soon to be) Aunt and Uncle. They are two of the busiest people I know and they still find time to spend with my kids. Plus, when they are with them, they are 100% with them in the moment. I always feel that the kids are safe with them, which makes me a ton less stressed. Observing this got me thinking- Why are busy people so good at helping and getting things done? I set out to learn how to be the most productive I can be and still keep my sanity. Here is what I have learned from some of the busiest people I know.

1. They take time for self care.

Busy people are not always working. They need time to unwind and relax like the rest of us. But they do it differently. Self-care is precise and purposeful- it has to be with the very little time they have. Self-care includes taking time to be with family, exercise, massages, painting, hiking, camping, or anything else that you enjoy. It is taking a little bit of time to enjoy yourself and let your brain be free for awhile. This is very important in that it reduces stress, increases a sense of well being, and promotes creativity. Sometimes the best ideas for segments, articles, therapy and so on come to me when I am participating in my down time. Often times when you are so busy you must schedule this time in and know that it can not be pushed to the side for another day.

2. They know how to prioritize.

In order to make yourself more efficient it is important to do the more time critical tasks first and then move down the line. The better you are at this, the less likely you are to get overwhelmed. This is because you can see the big picture, but you are able to identify the individual tasks you need to complete in order to get to the goal.

3. They are in the moment.

When you are at work, you should be at work. If you are with your family, you should be with your family. Multi- tasking is actually not very effective. It is better to be 100% in the task at hand in order to do your best work. 

drew and babaies

4. They have a schedule.

If you are busy, a schedule is a must in order to not miss any important appointments or places you are suppose to be. Personally, I like blocking out by the hour so if I need to move between tasks I can keep myself to any time restraints.

5. They know how to problem solve and when to get help.

This is an aspect I see as key to the longevity of someone’s success- problem solving and asking for help. I have a terrible time asking for help and will continue to wear myself thin until I collapse. So this piece is the one I will be focusing on so that I can keep moving forward.

6. They keep learning.

Most importantly, they keep learning. The more you know, it seems, the more you realize how much you don’t know. This is the beautiful part in which it forces us to collaborate with others and discuss how to reach our goals as a whole.  

My Challenge to you: Go through these aspects and see which one you could benefit from the most.

  1. Self-care
  2. Prioritizing
  3. Being mindful
  4. Keep to a schedule
  5. Problem solve & seek help
  6. Get knowledge

Spend this week trying to get it down and let me know if this was beneficial.


Happy organizing your busy life friends!

-Jessie the Therapist