The pursuit of happiness is a treadmill

The pursuit of happiness is a treadmill, true happiness is a mountaintop. Not sure what I mean? Lets see if this makes sense. Michael Eysenck is a British psychologist who developed the ‘Hedonic Treadmill Theory’. The theory discusses the concept that despite major positive and negative…

FOX 13’s The Place: Romance versus Love

Therapist Jessie Shepherd told us how to take out the romance in Valentine`s Day, but keep the love. It all comes down to getting a release of oxytocin, instead of blocking it. You will get different results depending on your specific behaviors. Watch the segment and take…

14 Days of Love.

The pressure of Valentine’s Day can be huge. It is a holiday of expectations and hyperfocus on the aspects we lack in our life. Not all love is candy, flowers, and nice dinners. Love is very different in every romantic relationship, friendship, and social interaction….