Birds and Bees Podcast: Snowplow Parenting

Listen HERE!!! This episode is aimed to help parents identify unhelpful parenting techniques that sometimes seem to be helpful at the moment. Maybe you only use one of these techniques. Maybe you fit the mold of being a snowplow parent. Either way, that is great you see what actions you’re…

It is about priorities, not time.

Don’t be hard on yourself, we all use it- the excuse of having no time. It is just that however, an excuse. A way for us to get out or avoid something in our life. So instead of coming up with excuses and causing more emotional distress, it is time…

Are you a dirty birdy? 10 routines to help.

Back in my 20’s I could go to sleep with dirty dishes in my sink- now there is no way that is happening. Why you ask? Routines- so many routines. I remember thinking that people who cleaned their house before bed were crazy but now I’m that crazy person. The…

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