900 Bags

So I volunteered to bag 900 baggies which including a few coupons and a silicone bracelet for each kid at my kids school. I absolutely love volunteering as much time as I can with my busy schedule. But when the time came to bag these 900 bags I would be doing it alone due to very poor planning on my part. I severely misjudged how long it would take and around 3 am I was very angry at myself. I went to bed in tears and woke up the next morning in a terrible mood knowing I still had 300 bags left to bag.


When the kids got up to eat breakfast, I was bagging bracelets and on the verge of tears because there was only 750 coupons, not 900. My 5 year old saw the distress and asked if she could help bag and I hesitated because I thought she would slow down the process or put the wrong amount of items in. But most of all I did not want help. I felt like I had gotten myself into a mess and should be able to get myself out of it. I have the hardest time letting people help me.

As a looked down at her genuine kind little face I realized that by me being stubborn and wanting to take care of everything on my own I would be denying my little lady the opportunity to feel like she is needed, helpful, and important.


So she helped me bag 150 bags that morning. She did slow down the process and she did put in the wrong amount of items from time to time. But I was so thankful that she was willing to sit in my mess with me and chatter about all the things of the world. It was calming to know that someone would just be with me in a distressing situation.

This young child taught me something I should have learned a long time ago. 1) You can accept help and you are not weak for doing so. 2) It is nice to have someone be with you during uncomfortable/distressing times even if they are simply just being there with you. 


My Challenge to You: The next time someone wants to help you, let them. Swallow your stubborn pride this week and let someone just be with you in a mess or frustration. Give them the opportunity to feel important, needed, and wanted. Then pay it forward and help someone else. Lets spread some kindness this week. 
Happy helping my friends!

– Jessie the Therapist